"; photo_captions[13] = "The Battle of Hogwarts, from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2";photo_urls[14] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/1/1_a_walk_down_diagon_alley.jpg"; photo_captions[14] = "A walk down Diagon Alley";photo_urls[15] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/e/e_a_walk_down_diagon_alley.jpg"; photo_captions[15] = "A walk down Diagon Alley";photo_urls[16] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/1/1_some_details_of_magical_creaturs_shop.jpg"; photo_captions[16] = "Some Details of Magical Creaturs Shop";photo_urls[17] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/c/c_olivanders_wands.jpg"; photo_captions[17] = "Olivanders Wands";photo_urls[18] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/1/1_malfoy_family_entering_gringotts.jpg"; photo_captions[18] = "Malfoy Family entering Gringotts";photo_urls[19] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/9/9_inside_the_various_shops.jpg"; photo_captions[19] = "Inside the various shops";photo_urls[20] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/d/d_gringotts_from_down_the_alley.jpg"; photo_captions[20] = "Gringotts from down the Alley";photo_urls[21] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/c/c_gringotts_from_above.jpg"; photo_captions[21] = "Gringotts from above";photo_urls[22] = "https://www.nelug.org/mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/6/6_flourish_and_blotts_books.jpg"; photo_captions[22] = "Flourish and Blotts Books"; var photo_count = 22; function stopOrStart() { if (onoff) { stop(); } else { play(); } } function toggleLoop() { if (loop) { loop = 0; } else { loop = 1; } } function changeElementText(id, newText) { element = document.getElementById(id); element.innerHTML = newText; } function stop() { changeElementText("stopOrStartText", "Play"); onoff = 0; status = "The slide show is stopped, Click [play] to resume."; clearTimeout(timer); } function play() { changeElementText("stopOrStartText", "Stop"); onoff = 1; status = "Slide show is running..."; go_to_next_photo(); } function changeDirection() { if (direction == 1) { direction = -1; changeElementText("changeDirText", "forward"); } else { direction = 1; changeElementText("changeDirText", "reverse"); } preload_next_photo(); } function preload_complete() { } function reset_timer() { clearTimeout(timer); if (onoff) { timeout_value = document.slideshow.time.options[document.slideshow.time.selectedIndex].value * 1000; timer = setTimeout('go_to_next_photo()', timeout_value); } } function wait_for_current_photo() { /* Show the current photo */ if (!show_current_photo()) { /* * The current photo is not loaded yet. Set a short timer just to wait * until the current photo is loaded. */ status = "Picture is loading...(" + current_location + " of " + photo_count + "). Please Wait..." ; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout('wait_for_current_photo()', 500); return 0; } else { status = "Slide show is running..."; preload_next_photo(); reset_timer(); } } function go_to_next_photo() { /* Go to the next location */ current_location = next_location; /* Show the current photo */ if (!show_current_photo()) { wait_for_current_photo(); return 0; } preload_next_photo(); reset_timer(); } function preload_next_photo() { /* Calculate the new next location */ next_location = (parseInt(current_location) + parseInt(direction)); if (next_location > photo_count) { next_location = 1; if (!loop) { stop(); } } if (next_location == 0) { next_location = photo_count; if (!loop) { stop(); } } /* Preload the next photo */ preload_photo(next_location); } function show_current_photo() { /* * If the current photo is not completely loaded do not display it. */ if (!images[current_location] || !images[current_location].complete) { preload_photo(current_location); return 0; } document.slide.src = images[current_location].src; setCaption(photo_captions[current_location]); return 1; } function preload_photo(index) { /* Load the next picture */ if (pics_loaded < photo_count) { /* not all the pics are loaded. Is the next one loaded? */ if (!images[index]) { images[index] = new Image; images[index].onLoad = preload_complete(); images[index].src = photo_urls[index]; pics_loaded++; } } } function setCaption(text) { changeElementText("caption", "[" + current_location + " of " + photo_count + "] " + text); } //]]>
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