Monthly Meeting Recap-Aug 17th

Everyone should come out to play!

Thanks to everyone who came out to play for the August meeting. Dinner was at Not Your Average Joes at Wayside Place as many of us still have a bad taste from our usual spot. I think we had a near record number of attendees numbering 15 with a good mix of regular, old & new members. So many in fact that the restaurant thankfully held a booth for the overflow as we had reserved a table for 11-12 and quickly outgrew that.

A brief rant if I may. I know it can be difficult to nail down whether or not you'd be able to attend but please keep in mind to help future meeting organizers that parties this size do usually require a reservation days well in advance. Last minute or non existent RSVPs really does leave everyone in difficult situation. It's far better to say you're going and cancel as it's usually easier to reduce rather than add tables for seating changes.

OK, Enough with my rant. Sorry.

As stated on the post, MOCs are always encouraged at meetings and to incentivize this, I suggested a possible prize would be given to the best MOC shown. Of the 15 attendees we were graced with 5 member's MOCs ranging from fond childhood memories to the latest, greatest GBC module.
After drinks and a brief show &amp; tell, the winner of August's meeting was Joshua C with his incredible golden mech. <a href=""></a>;
He was the winner of set 31047 - Propeller Plane
<a href=""></a>;

The food and staff at Not Your Average Joe's Burlington was excellent as was the conversations and entertainment. Those following a certain Facebook thread were prepared for modeling sessions with Suz E's human sized Friends brushes. She even came prepared with additional Clikit accessories for some of the willing victims.
<a href=""></a>;
<a href=""></a>;

After dinner there was a draft of misc polybags provided to the club via event support. Later in the parking lot Al S distributed FLL kits to assemble. After a little more socializing the few of us remaining reluctantly went our separate ways. All in all I'd say the meeting was a great success!

On a personal note, Thank You to the EC for giving me set 70703 Galaxy Squad Slicer
<a href=""></a>;

Apparently for stepping up to organize the meeting when another member was unable. It wasn't expected when I volunteered but it was a very nice gesture. Just proves active participation can have its rewards.

Build Well All.

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